Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Schools Programme

London Clean Air / Schools Programme

Schools Programme

Education is a key pillar of our community programme and we work to raise awareness of air pollution and the measures that can be taken to reduce it. Our Schools Programme offers a variety of workshops, projects, and events to students of all ages to support them in their understanding of air quality. 


We offer primary schools assemblies on indoor and outdoor pollution. We tailor these to the age of children and ensure they are educational and interactive. These assemblies offer the children the means to take action and make tangible changes, such as changing the way they go or get taken to school, to creating an eco-committee, or tuning off the lights and recycling more. Students leave feeling empowered to make the right choices and encourage those around them to do the same. 

AirScape workshops

In these workshops we present the AirScape network – a web of 229 sensors across in Camden. It currently makes Camden home to the densest network in the world. What we now have is an open-access monitoring network, on an online platform, that provides real time data on air quality, across the entire borough. It provides a wealth of data, both past and present, and highlights high risk areas, as well as comparing data for NO2, Ozone and particulate matter, minute-by-minute, street-by-street.

These workshops aim to teach the students how they can use the network’s data in their daily life, to make better decisions, such as using it to help choose safer roads to walk or cycle or embedding the science and data in their lessons across virtually all subjects.

Indoor air quality workshops

Indoor air quality is increasingly a topic of concern in schools and mainstream media. The Camden Clean Air Initiative and AirRated have come together to encourage school children to be more involved in managing their indoor air quality and to play a part in making improvements that can impact their comfort, health, and productivity. The students are taken through 3 sessions in which they learn about indoor air quality, how to build air purifiers and how to analyse and understand the results of a better air rating. 

Sustainability events

Our Sustainability Events are opportunities to bring together pupils, parents, and sustainable businesses to showcase innovative solutions and opportunities for climate action. These are interactive meetings of like-minded individuals, similar to a business fair, but for those who are looking to make a tangible impact. We typically invite companies to explain their core sustainability mission or what they are doing to become more sustainable. 

Career Days

Sustainability Career Fairs are targeted at year 11-13 students. These are an avenue for students to specifically hear from a range of sustainable businesses about what they do and the potential career opportunities that may be available. Sustainability is a new industry and one that spans across nearly all sectors, so it is important that young people are given the opportunity to explore this.